Currently only as placeholder (because a base package jtypes.jvm is still in development)


Python wrapper for the Java Native Interface.


jtypes.javabridge is a bridge between Python and Java, allowing these to intercommunicate.
It is an effort to allow python programs full access to Java class libraries.

PyPI record.

jtypes.javabridge is a lightweight Python package, based on the ctypes or cffi library.
It is an almost fully compliant implementation of Lee Kamentsky’s and Vebjorn Ljosa’s Javabridge package by reimplementing whole its functionality in a clean Python instead of Cython and C.

About javabridge:

Borrowed from the original website:

The javabridge Python package makes it easy to start a Java virtual machine (JVM) from Python and interact with it. Python code can interact with the JVM using a low-level API or a more convenient high-level API.


  • Java Runtime (JRE) or Java Development Kit (JDK), and NumPy (not mandatory but highly recommended).



To install run:

python -m pip install --upgrade jtypes.javabridge

To ensure everything is running correctly you can run the tests using:

python -m jt.javabridge.tests


Visit development page

Installation from sources:

Clone the sources and run:

python -m pip install ./jtypes.javabridge

or on development mode:

python -m pip install --editable ./jtypes.javabridge


  • Development is strictly based on tox. To install it run:

    python -m pip install tox


Copyright (c) 2014-2018, Adam Karpierz

Licensed under the BSD license
Please refer to the accompanying LICENSE file.
